Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowed In

Well as I'm sure the entire continent knows, Atlanta saw some snow this past week. It was referred to as Snowpocalypse 11. Funny how shut down the town gets when we get snow/ice. Funny the first two days. Then maybe not so funny anymore! Maybe then a little cabin fever, lol.

We made the best of it though! Got snowed it at my Mom and Dad's. Ate a lot. Played a lot of scrabble. Played a lot with my new iPod. Cara watched a lot of Beauty and the Beast. Sammy walked in circles a lot. Thankfully we had a skirt, so Cara didn't have too many princess melt downs. We also ventured out on foot to the grocery store. That was an interesting walk to say the least, but it was definitely a nice change of scenary. Even saw a local celebrity at the store. (Wsbtv weather guy, lol). We had fun though! Lots of quality time spent together.

Looking forward to a weekend with Chris and the girls. Go Falcons!!

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