Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ten things to know about miss samantha...

1. she calls her Mom, baba. unless incredibly tired, then you can hear "mamamamama".

2. her dance moves could rival a river-dancer's.

3. she has been in a size 3 diaper for almost 9 months now. had i known that, and also that i was having a diaper shower, i would have requested all size 3 diapers!

4. sharing is not her strong suit, unless getting bit and yelled at is something you enjoy when trying to play with a toy.

5. she seems to understand most everything i say. unlike her sister, she doesn't feel the need to talk back to everything i say.

6. her favorite toys right now would be her fisher price blocks and whatever cara is holding.

7. she's my number one cuddle bug! will cuddle me at all times of the day, and i looooove it!

8. loves waffles, bananas, blueberries, publix sugar cookies and chicken nuggets.

9. she makes the BEST faces! her serious face and side eyes would have to be my favorite.

10. LOVES her daddy. for the first time ever, picked him over me this past weekend. looks like it's time to have more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#10 is my favorite and I couldn't agree more ...