Monday, August 27, 2012

acts of kindess

As we start a new week of school with Cara, I have made it a point to do more activities at home with Sam. Cara has her days full of crafts, stories and learning, I figured it's only fair I do the same with Sam. Each week at school, Cara's class has a theme. It started with All About Me where they practiced writing their names and talked about what they wanted to be when they grew up. (side note: Cara said she wanted to be a Doctor and her favorite food was tacos. I'm okay with both of those things!) Last week was My Family, to which Cara revealed she had 3 people in her family (wonder who got the boot) and made a family tree with all of our pictures. This week is Community Service. I'm loving the theme of this week, so much that Sam and I are going to have a nice little community service Monday.

We entitled today "Acts of Kindness Monday". We decided to make home made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and give them out to Cara's new teachers and Chris' work. What's a better way to show kindness than with chocolate. I cataloged the entire baking session with pictures and will add the recipe for memory's sake because these bad boys were delicious. Enjoy!

We started by organizing all of our ingredients and materials on the counter. And of course got super cute with a chic apron. The recipe called for 1 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking soda, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 cup softened butter, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 3/4 cups of old fashioned rolled oats, and LOTS of chocolate chips. Okay, the recipe said 1 1/4 cups, but we made a slight modification and added some more.

First step was to mix up the flour, baking soda and cinnamon. Sam had her own mini whisk to help with this step.

Then we creamed the butter and sugars together with a mixer. Sam wasn't too big a fan of the mixer so she waited until I blended in the egg and vanilla to help me dump in the flour mixture. After the flour was mixed evenly in the buttery sugary goodness, we folded in the oatmeal and chocolate chips.

We put the mixture in the fridge to cool while we let the oven preheat and snapped a little photo of ourselves baking together.

The oven was hot and the dough was ready to be spooned onto the prepared pans.

They baked at 350 F for approximately 11 minutes and voila! We have yummy, lightly browned homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

We couldn't possibly consider posting this recipe on our blog until we officially tested and approved the cookie...

Once I had the "Sam of approval", we wrapped them up in bags and they are ready to be delivered!


the be4good project said...

Love that you did this - what a way to parallel what Cara is doing by incorporating these ideas at home - and of course, Sam loves it all

Julie said...

Please let Sammie know that Juliemybestfriend loves cookies if she feels up to baking me some.

Anonymous said...

I feel as if community projects can be shared nationwide. I know some fellow Coloradians that LOVE chocolate!!!