Tuesday, September 25, 2012

roller coasters and bowling balls

Every now and again we are lucky enough to stumble upon a weekend that is jammed pack with fun things to do. I welcome these kinds of weekends with open arms after long weeks of not a whole lot to do. It's safe to say I could get a job, hobby, life, etc. So this past weekend was so packed we had to forgo some events. And that just makes me sad! I think it only makes sense to stretch the weekend out about two more days and shorten up the boring, snooze fest work week. Who's with me? If I had a lot of readers, I know I'd have an audience in agreement.

Of course now, I must tell you about our weekend. It started with a fun, impromptu trip to Six Flags. See, I never win anything. Or I should say, I never win money. It seems when I do win something, it's of complete randomness. For example, when I was a kid, I won a bike at K-Mart. I was shopping with my mom, and I signed up in some holiday sweepstakes to win a fresh, beautiful poinsettia. (Even at a young age, Christmas decor was important to me). The humor in the story is that I ended up winning the grand prize, which was a bike, and found myself a little disappointed I didn't get the poinsettia. I already had a new bike from the previous year, that was an awesome neon pink WITH an AM/FM radio on it! I ended up giving the bike I won to my older sister. I know, a selfless act. A coerced, selfless act. Fast forward to this year, when I won a year supply of Nestle Pure Life water bottles. Honestly, I can't be clear how I won that contest, but randomness at it's finest. I won water. Woo hoo! But I must say, winning Six Flags tickets through a Facebook contest, although random, was pretty cool. Especially when I researched that Cara's height was suitable for riding some of their roller coasters. So we used the tickets this past weekend, since they were about to expire and had a fabulous time! Courtney joined us, which was awesome since Chris had someone to ride the big roller coasters with (and not peer pressure me).

Chris got on this ride called the Acrophobia that soars to 200 feet in the air and then drops you. With little warning, drops you. Scariest. ride. ever.

Finally, I had to take a picture of one of the roller coasters Cara rode. Most of the rides they have weave in and out of trees so you don't see the true size of them from a distance. The Georgia Scream Machine however stands out plain as day. I have no clue how Chris got her on this thing, but she was all smiles after!

Another thing worth noting from our busy weekend, was Cara's first birthday party through a school friend. We've been to a few birthday parties through our friends and their kids, but this was Cara's first birthday party through a friend from her class. It was at the bowling alley. There was music, food, dancing, bowling, cake and games. Every kids dream come true! Cara was a little shy, but I want to keep encouraging her to be comfortable with the kids from her class. I think it will help with her feeling comfortable at school and not giving me alligator tears every morning. It can't hurt right! Here are a couple blurry pictures with her and her friends Joslyn and Allie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cali HATES the Scream Machine cause I'm the mean Mom who pressures her into riding the "wooden" coasters.