Thursday, October 4, 2012

little monsters

There are people who decorate for the holiday's, and people who don't. Among the people that do, there are many opinions on when you should decorate. Some people like to get em up early and enjoy them as long as they can. Then you have the people who get very angry when Christmas decorations cut into Halloween time. I, for a first, don't have too strong of an opinion on it. I love the holiday's. I think I may love every single holiday, so much so that we celebrated National Pancake Day this year. I'm all for enjoying each and every single one of them in their own right, so maybe I lean more towards the "chill out on Christmas in August" crowd...but then again, who doesn't love a beautiful Christmas tree!

I did wait for October 1st before I climbed up into the attic to get down the Halloween tote. Yes, you read that right, I climbed up into the attic. Well fine, I did the inside attic. I made Chris get the totes from the garage attic. That one just creeps me out too much. (Side note: Having 20 Christmas totes is not Chris' favorite thing about me.) I don't go too crazy with Halloween. My favorite things are a Fall inspired mantel and my Halloween tree. I've been decorating ever since I got pregnant with Cara and each year has provided new experiences with the girls. This year, I wanted to kick off the Halloween season with a fun, family craft. As they get older, we get to do more interactive crafts that we all can enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I like the felt pumpkins you decorate with Halloween shapes as much as the next mom, but they don't pack a punch like a monster decorated front door! Also, I might secretly be trying to outdo a neighbor for yard of the month.

{Monster Inspired Front Door}

A door
Two white paper plates
A black marker
Crepe paper
Duct tape
Halloween spirit (important)

Cara started this craft off for us by taking the two paper plates and transforming them into spooky eyeballs.

As she created the eyes, Sam and I worked on the hair. Some doors were meant to be monsters, mine however, was not. In preparation for our craft this morning, I got to meticulously fit a black plastic table cloth to my door to provide a realistic base for Mr. Monster Mash. Thank goodness, cause it really made the green hair pop!

The monsters hair resembles a recent bang trim I gave Sam. Reminded me of a movie from back in the day...

We added Cara's eyes and some lovely brows...

And a stitched up mouth, rounded him out!

I wanted to see it the way my neighbors (cough, voters, cough) see it...

I think it came out great! (Side note: Yes, those are MY mowing lines, and yes, I think they should be considered when voting.) Another fun thing, Val and Cali also did a door all the way in Colorado.

And of course, I took a picture with all of my monsters. Yay, Halloween!

Now, let's hope it doesn't rain...

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