Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer days...

I update this as we approach the 3rd of July, meaning it's almost the 4th of July, meaning summer is on it's final stretch. So nuts to think Cara graduated Pre-K almost two months ago and in a month she'll start Kindergarten. 

We LOVE the 4th of July over here at the Kenny's and for the last 5 years have gone to downtown Kennesaw for their celebration the day before. Thanks to Mother Nature, impending rain has already postponed the events. Fingers crossed we're able to squeeze in a peep of fireworks the next night. Rain is in the forecast all week...blah. It also affects our pooling, and we love to pool! Aside from our wonderful vacation in June, the pool has been our main source of summer entertainment. A movie here, a play date there, pooling in between and of course ice cream dates round out our 2013 summer. 

Click here to watch Cara jump off the high dive: http://youtu.be/oMJdFFjbzts

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