Monday, January 3, 2011

True Story

Cara has been in the "question" phase for some time now. She is also very intrigued about the baby in Tina's belly. With that said, this conversation just occured.

"Mommy, is Sammy in your tummy?"
"No, she is in her bed," I replied.
"Was she in your tummy?"
"Yes she was," I answered.
"Was I in your tummy?" she further questionned.
"Was Daddy in your tummy?!" She inquires with excitement.
"No," I answer through a laugh.
Pause again.
"There were a lot of people in your tummy."

I am considering how weird this concept must be for a three year old, but I'm more concerned she thinks I birthed the entire population!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well ... close!