Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Slumber Party

Cara had her first official sleepover this past weekend! Her little BFF from school, Olivia, was over for the party and requested a longer visit, so her mom and I worked out a plan for her to spend the night. Cara was thrilled! I was pretty happy too, because they got along so well! They had snacks, played with the new birthday toys and talked and talked and then talked some more! We loved having her over and look forward to more slumber parties in the future.


the be4good project said...

Ok, I am finally going to comment - this blog has been wonderful - I wish we had something like this when my children were growing up - something to look back on and compare - what a thrill. Jennifer, you do a fantastic job of putting all the good stuff in your blog - funny, interesting, etc. Love, love, love this...

Jennifer/Cara/Samantha said...

Thanks Mom!