Wednesday, January 23, 2013

18 through 22

18. shadow

I could take a picture of a shadow any day, but this day really stood out, because after 4 days of straight rain, the sun peeked it's way back into Acworth. The girls were literally driving me crazy, stuck inside, so these shadows were VERY welcome shadows!

19. delicious

Saturday night, Cara and I met my Mom, Dad, Ryan and Paola for dinner. We were supposed to go to the delicious Henry's in Acworth, but after a 2 hour wait was revealed we opted for a quaint little tavern. You know what's more delicious than Henry's? Having dinner with your family on a Saturday night :)

20. something you saw

I know I've raved on Pinterest many times before, but I absolutely adore this website for party planning. I really have come to enjoy planning parties, but more so the little details that go into it. Perusing Pinterest Sunday night, I saw this dump truck set up. I instantly forwarded it to my BFF who's son loves everything trucks. Fingers crossed she lets me plan birthday numero dos!

21. what you do

I raise two totally normal, well adjusted toddlers.

22. corner

Came to bed last night at 11 PM, and was given the corner of the bed. I love how they lay across the bed. Such a cozy night's sleep I had...

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