Cara went on her second trip to Ohio a couple of weeks ago, and we all had a blast. Ever since we've been back we've been dealing with some "bumpy" issues, but I won't completely blame Ohio, lol. Cara enjoyed all of her great-aunts and cousins! And not to mention all the new foods they let her try. Every time I turned around someone was feeding her off their plate. She was eating up all the attention, literally!

Generation picture:

These were soooo cute:


It was a great trip! Julie and Megan hosted a wonderful wedding shower for me! Speaking of weddings, only 1 month 11 days away. So I've been working on Cara's walking with her so that she could be walking by the wedding, and she walked 4 steps the day before she turned 10 months old! It makes me so happy to watch her try! I was talking to another Mom yesterday who has 3 girls and she was like "why do you want her to walk! when they walk, they run, you never get to sit down!" Lol. Another opinion came from a Dad who said "when they walk it's nice because then you can actually see where they're going". So we'll see. I think I'll like when she's walking, I need something to run after!
Health report: So Cara has had a nice month at the Dr's office. It started off with a bad diaper rash that showed up the way home from Cincy. It got worse and worse so I took her in, turns out she had a yeast infection. Okay, whatever, we can handle that. We start treating it, then this rash pops up on her face. Take her back to the Dr., oh it's impetigo and a bit of exscema, no big deal, put some cream on it. So I'm like okay, we can handle this. We are now treating both rashes and the yeast is fading, but the impetigo is getting worse. Take her back to the Dr. and finally they give me an antibiotic! Through this whole process, we've had to cancel two playdates and didn't get to go to open play at My Gym because parents look at my kid and take their kids and run. Instead we got to spend like 8 hours at a Dr's office with lots of whiney kids and GERMS. I hate the Doctor's office. I feel like I contract 5 diseases while sitting there. Cara's a trooper though! She hasn't seemed phased by any of it.
On a more positive note, Cara has been expressing her rhythmic side recently. When I say "dance, dance, dance" she throws her hands up and dances. Last night at dinner, there's a band and Cara's rocking in her seat watching the guy sing. It was so funny! I'm trying to get in on tape so I can upload it, but my camera isn't working too well right now. I'll find a way to get it on here though. I've got to show you her taking steps, soooo precious!
Is this cake worth $50, I need your advice: