Saturday, September 14, 2013


Kindergarten: Month Two

Well we survived a month of Kindergarten. And I say "we" because it is definitely a group effort. Granted Cara does most of it, but the daily car lines, the "return to school" folder always being full, and Sam being short her favorite play mate gives us all the opportunity to be apart of Kindergarten. Sam and I joined Cara two weeks ago for lunch and sat with her class in the lunch room. It was simply put, chaotic. The amount of 5, 6 and 7 year olds in one room would make any grown adult in need of a Bloody Mary. I am in such awe of teachers and their patience! 

Last week we had Cara's first school family dinner night at Johnny's Pizza. The girls played video games, we enjoyed $1 slices and even had a surprise visit from a balloon animal maker. What is their official title anyway? I mean they make more than animals and they aren't clowns. Balloon artist, latex specialists...who knows? Here's a picture of my sweet girls at Johnny's:

We also just finished the first of what I assume will be a gazillion fundraisers of my children's school careers. Cara raised in the ball park of $160, and did it all for some random monkeys on a necklace. The school conned them into this monkey thing by revving em up at a fundraiser pep rally. I'm starting to create a list of Ten Things I Don't Love About Kindergarten. Number 1 - Fundraisers. I am all for supporting the school, I'm just not crazy about asking people to buy things. Here is a picture of her sporting her necklace:

Did I ever mention to my blog that Cara's teacher is a Falcon's cheerleader? Talk about fate! Don't think I don't weekly dress my daughter in her Falcons jr. Cheerleading gear. And to randomly complete this post - look what I had for dinner last night:

Go Falcons!

Days with Sam