So, we might be just a tad bit jealous of Ohio and their piles of snow! But we're still enjoying the bitter cold weather of Winter. It's actually reached the 60's down here so we've had a couple park trips, and apparently Cara is the little daredevil. Papa and I took her to the playground at Roswell Park and she instantly fell in love with going down the slide like a big girl all on her own. (Mind you, the slide is prob 5 feet long..but she loves it!). She actually enjoyed doing it on her own so much as to cry everytime I'd try to help, so I get her on the top landing and slowly pull my hands off of her to let her go down the slide. She bolts (on her FEET) and runs down the slide, sending her airborn and landing her on her butt at the bottom. At this point I've already slid down the other slide, completely terrified that she just ran down a slide, and she looks up at me and smiles. Smiles like "Hey Mom, that was sooo cool". It was really just a confirming moment that I do in fact have my hands full and Cara is her father's daughter. As a child, I probably cried when I looked at a slide, cause I was scared of everything.
So we're gaining a lot of words in the vocabulary, some important, some random..
Nina (her way of saying Tina)
Uh uh (which she says to everything..)
Ahma (which we believe was her version of Grandma)
So Cara is approaching a year and a half (April) and she's really embracing life as a toddler. She enjoys dancing and putting her hands up to songs that say "put your hands up". She can drink out of a straw. She says "hi" to everyone she sees. And really, she just loves running around freely with her cup of milk in one hand and crackers in the other. I have attached some pictures of her trips to Monkey Joe's and Chuckee Cheese. Needless to say, she had a blast at both places. Enjoy!