So I have to blog about this, for memory's sake, cause Cara had her first official visit to the ER last week! The exclamation mark is for the "first" not the "ER". It was scary, which I'm sure any visit to the ER is, but we got through it. And yes, "we" got through it, cause it's possible I was more phased than her.
The Events:
Cara is only 1 BUT she may have started her "terrible two's" early. She's a bit hyper and some may even call her aggressive, some being her school. After some quick reading of the new Publix Toddler Newsletter (very reliable source), I discover aggressiveness in toddlers is very normal. They can't really talk, so they express themselves by biting and hitting people. Makes sense to me cause if you took away my words, I might want to hurt some people. SO, Cara wants something, she can't have it, in her rage turns to lay on Maddie (the dog), which scares moves, Cara's head lands on fireplace. It was all really quick and messy!
The Aftermath:
Screaming. A lot of toddler screaming occured at this point. But do not be alarmed...the doctor in the ER said "screaming" is good. Not screaming is a sign of not being cognitive which would be bad. And apparantly huge bumps the size of golf balls are good too. Before this occurance, I wasn't very sharp on my head injury knowledge, and apparently I'm alone on this. Everyone I talked to said, "oh yeah, a knot on the head is good". Not that I didn't believe it, but it just looked bad. It was described to me as so..the tissue in front of the skull swells and fills with blood, and this is good because it indicates that most likely the skulls has not cracked and most importantly the swelling isn't inside the skull. Basically, we went to the ER for a bump! A very, very scary bump.
Cara is doing just fine. Me, I guess I'm fine too.