We had a wonderful holiday weekend! Hope everyone got to enjoy their's as well! We became a little firwork crazy..saw them Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Thursday, Cara and I joined my Mom, Christina, Val, Cali, Mike, Matt and Ally for a Braves game. Cara did really well until the end which was wayyyy past her bedtime and I think I was just as tired and cranky as she was. She really liked the chik-fil-a cow and all the loud music. So we'll have to go again, but probably for a day game when it's not so hot outside :) Friday, Chris was home so the three of us went to Downtown Kennesaw and enjoyed their fireworks show. It was really great! The weather was perfect and Cara loved running around playing. The fireworks shockingly did not startle her too much. She actually towards the end grew bored with them and dived into the Doritos bag for some late night snacking. Sounds like my daughter! Saturday, we headed to see fireworks in Roswell with some great company and had a really nice evening. The fireworks were great and Cara enjoyed playing with all the kids. So I think we officially enjoyed as many fireworks as possible and Cara can now be considered a pro. As for baby # 2..there has been a lot of kicking in the last two days, so I think it's getting pretty excited to come out and meet all of us. I'm 25 weeks along, so we're getting closer, slowly but surely.
Some pictures of the weekend, enjoy!