Hello Summer! Did it hit us or what? HOTlanta is living up to it's name!
I am loving the addition of a neighborhood pool to our lives. It certainly helps to break up the hot days and entertain a 2 year old. I am looking forward to next year when Sammy is more interested in playing, and less interested in chewing on everything! I can only imagine how many licks of sunscreen that girl has had!

June 12, Cara, Chris and I joined friends and family in Clearwater Beach, FL for Chris and Amber's wedding. We had a wonderful time! I really enjoy that area, especially with having children. Chris and I are looking to plan a beach vacation for late August and I'm tempted to go back there. I like that you can walk everywhere. I did however hear a wonderful story about a young girl from Marietta, GA who got bit by a shark just a few weeks back. That combined with Chris telling me with the oil spill, fish will move closer to shore, which will force sharks to follow the fish. And to top it off, Shark Week is coming up. All the shark talk, makes me want to plan a different kind of trip, lol.

Chris returned home safely from a ten day trip to Afghanistan. We were able to Skype and video chat with each other well over 8,000 miles away! That was pretty awesome. He was able to see Sammy become a better army crawler.

Samantha is 8 months old now. She's not as physically advanced as her sister was, but she has finally conquered sitting up.

Cara gave herself her first haircut! I like to call it the stair step cut.

Chris built Cara a sandbox for the backyard. Now my argument for not living at the beach is null and void!

We have a busy July ahead of us. A girls trip to Tybee for me and a family vacation to Williamsburg, VA for Grandpa Jack's 80th birthday. All the while, Chris will be gone :( Not looking forward to our longest separation yet! Thank goodness for video chatting, great family and friends, and crazy kids that keep me super busy! Oh, and the mall ;)