1. Christmas
2. Fall
My two favorite times of the year.
So summer is winding down. It's been a hot one! I received a newsletter from Georgia Power on how to save on my electric bill and found it humorous I was just now, middle of August, receiving it. Could have probably helped me better in May when the temps started reaching 90's.
Girls are doing great! Sam had her 18 mos. appointment last month (don't judge me, we were a little behind). She's doing great! Definitely petite and quiet. I'm going to go ahead and confirm, she isn't taking after me or my side of the family. She's saying some more words lately and really starting to show her personality. She's definitely the baby of the family and loves her Momma. Her latest thing is taking off her diaper. I am thinking we may be pre pre stages of potty training. I say pre pre, because when I put her on potty she screams. Fingers crossed though, it's around the corner. I would love to check off diapers on the grocery list. Sam and I are going to start attending MOPS. It's a faith based mothers of preschoolers group that meets at a church by us. They provide childcare and the mothers get together and gab about being moms..of well, preschoolers. I HAVE to start getting Sam used to the idea of being left with others. She is NOT a fan. I feel like that will be a good situation since I'll be right outside.
We just registered Cara for Pre-K this week. She starts next week. She will be attending Discovery Point in their Pre-K II program. They decipher by age because I felt like she should be in the final Pre-K program, but since she's an October baby she doesn't make the cut. I guess I'm okay with her being the oldest/smartest kid in the class...lol. It's a bittersweet milestone! She's continuing in another session of gymnastics and next up is dance. I also have her registered to take a Young Chefs class this fall.
Busy, busy fall ahead!
I have confirmed our dates for Clearwater/Disney. October 10th through 13th. We will be staying at the Hyatt in Clearwater for two days to get our beach time in.
Looks like it's gonna be a miserable stay...

After that, Magic Kingdom or Bust!

Cara's actual birthday gift is having dinner at Cinderella's Castle, which includes a photo package and a meet and great with Disney princesses! Followed by a firework show! I will be taking a gazillion pictures, and will probably be sharing mobile uploads as we are there. I can not WAIT! I wanna do something special for Sam as well, so I'm still doing research.
After we return we will be having a joint birthday party for the two, and hopefully, fingers crossed, we'll have some Cinci visitors in town for it!
Less than two months away for vacay..can't wait!