Monday, February 11, 2013

January Challenge

Whoops, kind of forgot to update my last two entries. I'm thankful that I didn't commit to all twelve months, because I would have blown it!

30. down

I'm glad I emailed this the day I took it, because I almost forgot my idea for "down". When Cara was an infant, I pushed this little bunny/blanket thing on her so she'd have a "lovey". She didn't care. Round two, I don't have a memory of pushing the idea of a lovey on Sam, but turns out I didn't need to. She is 100% obsessed with her blanket. I'm thinking at first, I could give her any 3x3 pink blanket and she'd be fine. But no! She has picked a specific blankey and that's the only one she wants, ever, and all the time! It has to go in the car when we leave, the bed when we sleep, and half the time ends up on the kitchen floor when she's run off to do something. In hind sight, I probably didn't need to push the lovey.

31. yourself

I had Sam take a picture of me. My original plan was to take this really cute baby picture of me and Val, but then I thought, I don't have like any current pictures of myself. I mean, I know why I don't, but thinking about it, I want my kids to be able to look back and see their mom in pictures, so they won't ever forget me. I probably should start to dress up more...

Challenge completed.