Thursday, February 21, 2008

i had a baby!

as i'm sure most already know, i became a mom to a beautiful, healthy baby girl named cara nicole kenny on october 11, 2007. my life as i knew it changed the instant i saw her little, puffy face (which thankfully for her, looks nothing like me). so i'm lucky enough to be a stay at home mom for a while and i thought, what better than track the first months/years of her life with pictures and videos since we have a lot of free time to take a lot of both. and i thought i would share these special moments with everyone because she has the tendency to make people smile!

cara is 4 months old now and learning how to make use of her limbs. this video will show you my future soccer player in action.


Tina said...

So cute, i love her!

Julie said...

You had a baby???
Yes, I miss you both terribly, and love the blog idea!!!