happy day after st. patrick's day. i don't really do anything special for that holiday, but apparently it's a big deal. hope everyone enjoyed there's. carebear is feeling A LOT better! not much else is new. we're excited for Easter cause the Easter bunny most likely bought her a couple of new toys for car rides, and she prob can't wait to see what they are..lol. i'm carrying on the Gale family tradition of hiding baskets Easter morning, and even though cara will have no clue what's going on, i think she's gonna love the hunt! well i made a little video today during cara's afternoon nap. i have a slight obsession with how cute her feet are, especially when she wiggles her toes. enjoy!
Yen Yen - let that baby sleep!!!
Love the films - keep em coming
update! update! update! I want another video, maybe of rolling over or giggling. That would be nice. Or maybe one with mommy in it too!
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