it has happened. cara's bottom two teeth have cut! hallelujah! wow, that's a hard word to try and spell, prob didn't even spell it right. anyways, she's got two little teeth with the baby ridges, that surprisingly do hurt when she tries to chew on your finger. she has a nice little grip with her mouth. and everything is game for chewing on. everything.
we are approaching 6 months old. insane. cara's sitting unsupported until she finds something worth reaching for, which is usually instantly... her attention span is not very long. she has some favorite toys right now though..the remote control, my hair and heinieken bottles. as a result, we watch a lot of different channels at a multitude of volumes, i usually have a headache, and we're already concerned with an underage drinking problem.
we've put into effect a new sleeping routine. the "cry it out" technique wasn't really working for her or us, so we are trying the n.a.p.s. system. so far, so good. she's started learning to comfort herself at night and we've had a much easier time getting her to sleep for good. trying to get a sleep routine has by far been the most challenging thing as a new mom. i finally read a very informative book and i think both mommy and cara are at a better place with sleeping. when baby's happy, mommy's happy and when mommy's happy, everyone's says chris.
one last thing, which is worth noting. we might be on to the word "dada". she says "dadadadada" a lot and i think it's coming. i'll keep everyone posted. i don't have any videos or pictures cause my camera died and the charger is mia BUT i'm working on getting it back cause i have to show ya'll how she sucks on her's so precious!