Friday, November 7, 2008

The itsy, bitsy, spider....

Happy November! Important historical news to report on, the President elect is Mr. Barak Obama. Not sure if I spelled his name correctly, but anywho, regardless of people's attitude towards the decision, I think it's a wonderful time to support our country and work together. All I'll say.

On to cuter news, I have Halloween pictures!! Enjoy!

A Witch and her Spider:


Fishy Face:

A little blurry:



A one-eyed Cat:

My crazy family:

These were Val's pictures (thank you Val), but I'm waiting on my Mom's and Tina's cause they have the Spider and it's'll see what I mean in a later post.

Well the Kenny's are looking forward to Thanksgiving. Carebear's a little under the weather but still in good spirits. I think daycare is a neverending cycle of runny noses and ahh choo's. She'll get through it though.

Back to work I go...

1 comment:

Magilatootsie19 said...

I just want to say that the Gale family is as normal as any other family...especially if you compare us to the Hatfields and the McCoys - mught have to be over 40 to understand this one!!!