1. Christina and Matt were married on the September 12th!
2. Paula and Perry will get married this coming weekend on September 19th!
3. All my favorite shows premiere this month!
4. Chris and I will have been married ONE WHOLE YEAR on September 27th!!!
5. Autumn begins September 22nd!
Love, LOVE September. It's been a wedding month and a very important wedding month at that. Christina and Matt's wedding was GORGEOUS. Everything went off without a hitch and Christina looked the happiest I may have ever seen her. Being apart of it all was so much fun and made me miss my own wedding! I will attach a couple of pictures from the weekend..the growing baby bumb I'm carrying and my cuteness little flower girl daughter, who did SO well walking down the aisle! We are looking forward to this weekend as well to watch Paula walk down the aisle!!
Baby stats:
Cara - Currently suffering from a viral infection that apparently everyone picked up from the wedding events of this past weekend. She's doing well, just running a fever, but should be feeling much better in the next couple of days. We just got her measurements at the doctor and she is getting so big. 35 inches tall and almost 29 lbs. People always go to grab bags when I'm carrying them, like "let me help you, you shouldn't be lugging all that". Take the 29 lb. kid, I'll carry the bags!!
Baby Bump - Got to hang out with baby bear # 2 last week. My mom joined me for a final sonogram to check the positioning of the baby. It is head down which is good and an estimated 5 1/2 lbs!! Looks like we're gonna have a big baby on our hands! The due date was moved up to 10/22 and I'm gonna go ahead and project that I will deliver about a week earlier. I have this feeling that this kid is getting pretty close to cooked! Not too much longer before we get to meet IT! So excited!!
Now for some pictures, ENJOY!

Latest Picture of Baby # 2..this is supposedly a face shot..I think it comes off a little creepy alienish looking!

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