We bought a new home :) Love LOVE all the new space. More to clean, yes, but more oxygen of my own. It's a refreshing change that I'm pretty excited about. We've had the normal new homeowner issues. Broken toilet, leaking fridge, etc. These are to be expected though right? Murphy's law.
Cara and Samantha were baptized Saturday. They did incredibly well, much better than I expected, and I am still overwhelmed with all the love and support from our family and friends. I'm reminded by these events how much I really appreciate the people we are fortunate to share our lives with. We are now all members of St. Ann's and my number one goal is to start getting to church more. It was really neat to baptize my children at the church I had my First Communion and Confirmation. Cara was a little bit concerned when Sammy went first and the Priest was soaking her face with water. She let her Daddy (and the rest of the church) know that "Sammy's getting all wet". Then after Cara was baptized she rejoiced by saying "I did it Daddy!". This induced a little chuckle from all the attendants. I sort of had a feeling that Cara would make a production out of it! They were great though! It was a very joyous and special day for our family!
Cara turned 2.5 today and Sammy will be 6 months on tax day. I will update with the latest after her doctor's appointment that I plan to schedule at the beginning of next week. The reflux doesn't seem to be improving with age like the Doctor had predicted so I need to see what our next step is. Samantha had her two bottom teeth cut through last week so that was exciting. She's also polished rolling from tummy to back. She's now working on the back to tummy roll. It usually turns into a foot chewing session. She's getting so big though!!
What's next?? Well, we will continue to get settled in the new home. We have a wedding in June for our good friends Chris and Amber. Val got engaged a couple of weeks ago and her and Mike will marry October 17th in St. Simon's on the beach! We are looking to visit some of our favorite Cinci folks at the end of this month. Heading to VA in July for Grandpa Jack's 80th! Whew, this is making me a little tired. More I'm sure will add to the list, but I'm excited for the Spring and Summer to arrive. Cara, Samantha and I will become very close with the neigborhood pool!!
I have a few pictures for the update, but all of the important ones like the new house and baptism will be added soon enough. Enjoy!

Thanks for the update. I cannot wait to see you all.
It was an honor for all of us to be a part of that moment. Quick question: why is Cara searching for eggs at a construction site???
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