1. Cara has given up Sprout (RIP). She requires more stimulation and has moved on to the Preschool era. I suppose my sadness from this is only the beginning of many transitions of growing up.
2. Sammy still takes a morning nap! I reviewed my old blogs from when Cara was around 10 months and I talked about her giving up the morning nap. Here's to crossed fingers, toes, legs, arms, etc. that Sam doesn't give this up. Maybe forever even.
3. Read a lot of books about manners. Is it working? Dialog from a conversation yesterday;
Me: Cara, please put that back.
Cara: Mom, whatever.
4. Found a new play place! It's called Play. Easy enough to remember. It has a huge foam pit that seems too fun to have just for kids.
5. Started to plan birthday season. October is the beginning of the Fiscal year and Kenny year. Cara will be having a costume themed birthday party and Sammy will be having a sea turtle beach luncheon. Yeah, I know, their just kids. What else am I supposed to plan.
6. Found a new favorite fruit. Cara LOVES grapes. Her belly, doesn't.
7. Taken on new hairstyles. Cara - the mullet. Mom - blond. Sam - the boy cut (slowly but surely growing).
8. Nursed hydrangeas. They're always sick :(. Not a green thumbed family.
9. Had our first family movie night. Well 3/4 of the family did. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Cara sat through the entire thing. I was the only 1/4 to find the movie completely ridiculous!
10. Made lemonade with sour gummy worms. Yummy!
Now for some new photos. Cara and Daddy cleaned the truck today and Samantha and I decided to do a photo shoot. Got some cute videos too! Enjoy

This makes me sooooo happy! Even though I just saw them 2 days ago, it seems like forever! Smooch my girls from their Boo Boo xoxo
Thanks for the updates - and my belly doesn't like grapes either. I can only do a few.
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