We traveled this past Labor Day weekend to Cincinnati, OH for a fun-filled getaway to the north. The weather didn't go above 80 degrees, and it was a wonderful taste of fall to come.
The girls and I went up Thursday with my Mom. Sam and Cara were very good travelers. We visited with the family, met Noah for the first time, and Grandma, Patty and Susan joined me for a late night viewing of Jersey Shore. Watching it with my elders, made me embarrassed for my generation.

Friday, Megan, Noah, Mary, myself and the girls went to the Cincinnati Zoo. It was great! The animals were out and the weather was perfect. The Cincinnati Zoo blew me away with it's gardens and foliage. I was in awe of how pretty it was. I always remembered the zoo as a place of unpleasant smells and horrific heat, assuming I must have gone in the summers. But this time was a great visit, and all the children seemed to enjoy it. Noah didn't make a peep the entire time! We later joined my Mom, Julie and Grandma for lunch at Frisch's and that evening Cara and I traveled to Dayton, OH to pick up Chris from the airport. Cara and I get a real kick out of picking up Chris from the airport!

Cara waiting for her Daddy at the airport:

Saturday was Val's second bridal shower put on by Megan and Julie. It was done wonderfully! Later that afternoon was the Family Reunion at Queen City Park and Rec, where we visited and caught up with all the Sammons and Hubers. Cara had a blast playing in the pool and Sammy stuck with me, since she doesn't appear to be as social as her older sister. That night we went to a festival where Cara rode rides with her Daddy and Mommy lost her money gambling!

Sunday was a lot of fun! We visited the Natural History Museum downtown. They had a children's museum inside and the girls had a blast. It was similar to Atlanta's Imagine It, but had more stuff for Sammy's age. The girls didn't want to leave! Later that day we surprised Chuck with a 30th birthday celebration and that evening we hung with family!

It was a great weekend!
Things coming up:
Chris and I celebrate 2 years of marriage, Fall arrives!, Football season starts, Cara's Costume Birthday party, Sammy turns the big ONE, Family Vacation, Val gets married, and Halloween. Can NOT wait!! More pictures from this weekend coming soon!
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