I was looking up some statistics and we are definitely on the late side of things being that Cara is now 3. She's been fully potty trained on number 2 for 6 months, which wasn't a struggle at all. She realized sitting in her number 2 was not fun, and started going in the potty. She even knows that it's better to go in the "big potty" cause we can flush it "away forever and ever" and Mommy doesn't have to clean it out of the toddler potty! What a thoughtful child. But number 1 has been a challenge. She declared "I just pee in my panties Mommy, it's okay". So apparently it hasn't bothered her. We have tried rewarding her, jumping up and down when she succeeds, making it a team effort..and honestly, I haven't been as proactive about it as I've needed to be. So this week, we are in potty training boot camp! I visited the Huggies Pull-Ups website and printed off some cards for Chris and I to go over. We've started a few new things, and are really pushing the gas on some other things I've slacked on.
After 15 minutes of having a drink..I push the idea of using the bathroom. And she drinks a lot! So thankfully we've had a week home to really be able to stay on top of her. But it seems to be helping. She sometimes says no, but more and more she's saying yes. And I think it has to do with the changes to the bathroom we've made.
We hung this chart up:

Basically she gets a sticker every time she uses the potty and then after a line is full she gets a treat. This idea came to me when I realized I'd be giving her 8 treats a day if I did it with every time she went to the bathroom. She LOVES the sticker chart too. It's something the she can be involved with, it's visual in the bathroom and creates a routine. So that's been working great.
We also hung up a Thankful Tree in honor of Thanksgiving:

I've always heard and read about how important routine is for children. I had a bath time routine with Cara when she was born to help with night time sleeping. So now, we have started a get ready for bed time routine. We brush our teeth, use the potty and hang up a leaf on the thankful tree. The leaf each night represents something we're thankful for so we both have a little discussion on it and then read some stories and she goes to bed. This helps in more ways than potty training too! It gets her excited for bedtime, which has been a struggle. It helps us learn the importance of brushing our teeth and good hygiene. And we get to talk about what we're thankful for! For Christmas we're gonna do a Christmas tree. I found it helps to make the bathroom more exciting for her. Now Dora and Diego are there with her, and going to the bathroom isn't such a chore. And that goes for all of us! It can be a little bit of work, but will be worth the reward when I get to omit $8 Pull-Ups from the grocery list!
Cara is so lucky to have you as her mommy:)
You go Yen Yen - sounds like you have things under control. I was LUCKY in this department - Meg just decided to go on big toilet on her own, like no big deal, so I never had to train. Just all of a sudden, no more diapers. That's the best part - saving $$$$$
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