Matthew James Klejka was born July 6, 2011 at 10:31 PM. He was born 8 lb. 6 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long. A beautiful, perfect baby boy.

Christina did such a great job bringing him into this world! I was so proud of her!
Now for the important information. Matt's nickname from me will be Matty J. I will probably just call him this until he's of tween years and at that age he will begin courting my daughter Samantha. I will probably call him Matt at this point. Maybe Matthew when I want him to know I'm serious about him marrying my daughter. Once they get through college, Sam and Matt (high school sweethearts) will marry. At this point Christina and I will officially be related! We may have had to wait 40 years, but it will happen.
Now I'm gonna brag about my sweet, adorable, precious son in law to be through some photos! Enjoy!

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