Cara is every bit of 4 years old. She's ingenious, imaginative, self-sufficient, curious, complex..the list could go on and on. Her vocabulary has sky rocketed and most of the time I think to myself, where did she learn that? She speaks fast, yet stammered, trying to figure out each thing she wants to describe. You can see her brain working most of the time! She has learned to write her first name and recognizes some written letters and numbers. She has also become quite the song writer, debuting her original "Ariel, Jingle Bells" this past Christmas. She goes to Preschool once a week and does ballet once a week. She absolutely adores ballet, so we plan on sticking with this through the beginning of the year. School is becoming a little more comfortable..although she still isn't exactly sold on the leaving mom part yet. In August she will start Pre K, and I'm so excited for her. I think she is going to love it and have many rewarding experiences in the years to come. We are still heavy on the Disney Princesses, although she has come to love Phineas and Ferb. As much as she may try to enjoy new things, she still has her tutu and tiara on! I can not believe she will turn 5 this year! Such an exciting time.
My little Sam Sam is 2. So crazy to think my baby is 2! Even crazier is that she will turn 3 later this year. I'm not sure we have hit the "terrible two's" so to speak but we do work on communication each day. She's very curious about EVERYTHING. And I literally mean everything. She has to know what every button does, what every book has inside, what every toy sounds like, etc. She pushes the word "no" a lot as well. As she gives a look, she will continue to test me and see how long it takes me before I get up and physically stop her. I remember this well with her sister, so we are working on it. Her vocabulary grows by the day and she cracks me up with her pronunciations. My favorite is how she says "because". "Why are you not listening to Mommy?", "Cauuuu" she'll respond. She might be the sweetest thing in the whole world. She is constantly asking if I'm okay after a cough, comforting her sister when she's sad, or simply rubbing my arm when we're tired. She's my little love bug! Some of her favorite things are Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, balance beams and pudding. All four at once would be the best day ever! She took a ballet class this week and I think in the Spring she will start a dance/gym combo in her own class. I've wanted to wait for her to be big enough to focus and participate and I think we're getting there. She seems to really thrive on her own without sissy around, but definetely gets bored quicker. I see her personality shine through more on our days by ourselves, and it's quite entertaining. She's definetely my quiet one, but when the time is right, she can be a chatter box. Once Cara started getting older, she became Daddy's girl and as I watch Sam grow, I see her really start to show interest in play with Daddy as well. She's always been all about Mommy so I'm glad she's sharing her time more these days, I know Daddy is! We are considering putting Sam in a one day a week pre school come August as well and let her kind of get a taste of being on her own. Come August, I'll see if I'm still willing to part from her for a day lol.
So in a nutshell, those are the Kenny girls as of January 17th 2012. As we all know with kids, they could be different people tomorrow!
1 comment:
I really enjoy reading your description of life with the girls. Always entertains me!
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