I'm a mom
I want to remember really quick how I felt today, when I read a story about a family that touched my heart. A little boy who is sick and is going to pass away and his parents who are trying to continue living with their hearts broken in half. I want to always remember how sad I have felt for them, and anyone who loses a child. And I want to remember how incredibly blessed and grateful I am for my two children and being their mom. Some days, those simple facts get lost in the hustle and bustle of life and they shouldn't. I'm a mom. I'm an incredibly fortunate, lucky mom.
To more light hearted topics! I haven't yet posted on Cara's adventures with her class pet Ellie the elephant. We had him over Labor Day weekend, and with not a whole lot planned, we made the most of it. We took her for a ride in Chris' new jeep, went out for frozen yogurt, visited with Christina and Matty and played at Chik Fil A, took a nature walk where we saw a deer, visited with Aunt Stephy at Mimi's house and went to the park, and we even rolled out the slip and slide for some water fun. I think I may have been more excited about having Ellie visit, but Cara seemed to really enjoy the idea. It was like having a weekend guest over! My favorite part being that Ellie didn't make a single mess!

At the end of last week, I treated Cara to an ice cream float after school, just me and her. I don't want her to feel like she's losing time with me, so I'm making it a point to create alone time together. We visited Miss L's Sandwhich Shop and Cara ordered the root beer float with chocolate ice cream. They told us they've never had anyone order it with chocolate ice cream and asked us if it was okay if they named the float after her. So Miss L's Sandwhich Shop now carries the Cara Float although no one but Cara will probably ever order it!

We had a little family craft night this past weekend and made homemade play dough. It was a first for Cara, Sam and I and turned out to be a lot of fun! As a person who works often with flour, oil and water, I was pretty taken aback by how quickly heat turned gloop into a big glump of play dough. We also added kool aid for its pinkish color and strawberry scent and glitter for, well, for glittery glam! The girls thought it was equally as exciting and we have some big plans for some fall play dough recipes. I see pumpkin play dough in our very near future!
1 comment:
Ha! If I were a classroom teacher I'd have a pet like that too!
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