Well, Cara had her first playdate this month. Really it was her first interaction with other "little people" like herself. And surprisingly, she wasn't the biggest one there. Apparently kids are bigger these days. I swear everyone I talk to has a kid who is in the 90th percentile. I guess all the midget babies live elsewhere. I've posted a couple photos and when I get my camera back, I will post a couple videos. We tried to get a group shot of the kids, and since Cara was the only one who could crawl, we tried to secure her in the middle. Needless to say, it was still a challenge to keep her there. I think she had fun though, I know I sure did!!

Group shot one:

Take two, Cara losing interest:

Cara trying to feast on Tyler's hair:

This is Carter, I think Cara had an eye on him:
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