Tuesday, June 3, 2008

splish, splash

We're approaching 8 months old...wow. They just start growing up so fast. Cara may have said her first official word..although we may never know for sure, if she really knew what it meant. When pulling up on things she says "up, up, up" over and over..so I have convinced myself my almost 8 month old daughter knows the word up, when all the other kids are stuck on "daaa" or "gaaa". She's a genuis..no big deal. I have two videos, one showing her saying "up", even though it's not the best one I could have gotten..but she tends to get camera shy, so it's the best I have for now. And my second one shows Cara LOVING bath time, which is a new concept, considering she use to freeze up the moment the bath water would run. Excuse the naked baby, there's no other way I could really shoot her in the bath..lol.



Julie said...

Love Em - and I think she's trying to say juliemybestfriend!!!!

Megan said...

ahhhh naked baby! JK that's really cute!